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“Lake Shore” by Joshua Schicker, size 70×50″
“Gentle Breeze ll” by Gudrun Newman, size 20×48″
“Searching for the Stars” by Gudrun Newman, size 24×54″
“Embrace Life” by Gudrun Newman, size 30×56″
“Harmony of Nature” by Gudrun Newman, size 22×56″
“Float With Ease ll” by Jodi Maas, size 36″x72″
“Float With Ease l” by Jodi Maas, size 36″x72″
“Four Corners” by Joshua Schicker, size 60×60″
“Mind Implant” by Joshua Schicker, size 80×50″
“Pen Dabble ll” by Joshua Schicker, size 30×30″
“Pen Dabble l” by Joshua Schicker, size 30×30″
“Time and Space Begins” by Jodi Maas, size 60×60″
“Air Floral Vlll” by Jodi Maas, size 40×40″
“Floating Like Balloons” by Jodi Maas, size 72×36″
“Full Swing” by Joshua Schicker, size 50 x 60
“Singing in Color” by Jodi Maas, size 50w x 60h
“Top Shelve Party” by Jodi Maas, size 50w x 50h
“Summer Time II” by Gudrun Newman, size 18w x 40h
“Summer Time I” by Gudrun Newman, size 18w x 40h
“Blue Shades II” by Gudrun Newman, size 18w x 40h
“Blue Shades I” by Gudrun Newman, size 18w x 40h
“Free Air Florals XII” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 30h
“Free Air Florals XI” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 30h
“Floating In The Garden V” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 60h
“Floating In The Garden IV” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 60h
“Bright Butterfly Bouquet” by Jodi Maas, size 50w x 50h
“Serene Landscape” by Gudrun Newman, size 48w x 40h
“Heartfelt Thoughts” by Gudrun Newman, size 30×56″
“Best Fit” by Clayton Rabo, size 60w x 60h
“Waves Meet the Shore Series” by Antonio G. Soler, size 36w x 72h
“Waves Meet the Shore Series” by Antonio G. Soler, size 36w x 72h
“Hidden Melody” by Rikki Drotar, size 50w x 50h
“Petrichor Aroma” by Joshua Schicker, size 50w x 50h
“At the Doorstep of the Nest” by Grayson Stoff, size 49.5w x 60h
“The Height of Things ” by Joshua Schicker, size 60w x 60h
“Music Messages” by Jodi Maas, size 50w x 50h
“Garden of Hue IV” by Rikki Drotar, size 26w x 26h
“Garden of Hue III” by Rikki Drotar, size 26w x 26h
“Golf Shoes” by Jose Cascales, size 43w x 23h
“Blue Jewel” by Crabtree
“Tennis Shoes II” by Jose Cascales, size 43w x 23.5h
“Tennis Shoes I” by Jose Cascales, size 43w x 23.5h
“Small Horizon” by Crabtree
“Shades of the Sea” by Crabtree
“Misty Shore” by Crabtree
“Horses” by Gladys Morante
“Murex Shell” by Francisco Casas, size 47w x 31h
“Conch Shell” by Francisco Casas, size 47w x 31h
“Nautilus Shell” by Francisco Casas, size 47w x 31h
“Cavier Lily” by Natasha Barnes
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