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“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 16×20″
“Palm Tree Beach” by Paul Wren, size 48w x 72h
“Colorful Marina II” by Paul Wren, size 60w x 40h
“Colorful Marina I” by Paul Wren, size 72w x 36h
“Waves Meet the Shore Series” by Antonio G. Soler, size 36w x 72h
“Waves Meet the Shore Series” by Antonio G. Soler, size 36w x 72h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 40w x 60h
“Marina Series” by Paul Wren, size 60w x 40h
“Pine Island Map” by Julius
“Pine Island Map” by Julius
“Pine Island Map” by Julius
“Sandpiper Beach” by Paul Wren, size 72w x 36h
“Gone Fishing II” by Fran Martin, size 40w x 40h
“Gone Fishing I” by Fran Martin, size 40w x 40h
“Golf Shoes” by Jose Cascales, size 43w x 23h
“Tennis Shoes II” by Jose Cascales, size 43w x 23.5h
“Tennis Shoes I” by Jose Cascales, size 43w x 23.5h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 40w x 30h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 40w x 30h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 36w x 24h
“Fountain” by Garcia Villasante
“Purple Patio III” by Garcia Villasante
“Patio Entrance” by Garcia Villasante
“Tuscan” by Garcia Villasante
“Horses” by Gladys Morante
“Egrets Building Nest” by Pedro Tapia, size 40w x 30h
“Two Herons” by Pedro Tapia, size 40w x 30h
“Coconut Palm” by Paul Wren, size 40w x 40h
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