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“Shoreline Waves” by Soler, size 72″w x 36″h
“Shoreline Waves” by Soler, size 40″w x 40″h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 16×20″
“Palm Tree Beach” by Paul Wren, size 48w x 72h
“Florida Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 72×36″
“Naples Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 40×30″
“Naples Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 72×36″
“Naples Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 60×40″
“Naples Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 60×40″
“Sanibel Lighthouse” by Mauricio Garay, size 36 x 24″
“Naples Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 60 x 24″
“Naples Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 40 x 30″
“Naples Marina” by Mauricio Garay, size 40 x 60″
“Shoreline ” by Soler, size 36 x 24
“Waves Meet the Shore Series” by Soler, size 47w x 31h
“Naples” by Bartus, size 39w x 20h
“Shell Series” by Francisco Casas, size 47w x 31h
“Ocean Feels” by Alyssa Stoff, size 54w x 30h
“Making Marks I” by Alyssa Stoff, size 48w x 36h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 40w x 30h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 40w x 30h
“Marina” by Paul Wren, size 36w x 24h
“Horses” by Gladys Morante
“Egrets Building Nest” by Pedro Tapia, size 40w x 30h
“Two Herons” by Pedro Tapia, size 40w x 30h
“Just Bloomed” by Angela Maritz, size 48w x 24h
“Conch Shell” by Francisco Casas, size 47w x 31h
“Nautilus Shell” by Francisco Casas, size 47w x 31h
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