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“Vista Landscape ll” by Helen Zarin, size 40×40″
“Nouveau Xlll” by Helen Zarin, size 30×40″
“Nouveau XIV” by Helen Zarin, size 30×40″
“Vista Landscape” by Helen Zarin, size 40×30″
“Pool Party” by Eduardo Romaguera, size 40×40″
“Bold Swirl ll” by Velfin, size 40×60″
“Opalescence l” by Patricia Chute, size 72″ x 48″
“Opalescence ll” by Patricia Chute, size 48×48
“Luminous Oasis” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Sunset at the Pier” by Mario Martin, size 60″ x 40″
“Echoes” by Mario Martin, size 60″ x 40″
“Rhapsody” by Mario Martin, size 60″ x 40″
“Lightness of Sunset” by Mario Martin, size 40″ x 30″
“Petal Abstract” by Patricia Chute, size 48×48
“Fluid Energy ll” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Fluid Energy l” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Joyful Koi” by Patricia Chute, size 50×68″
“Petal Abstract lV” by Patricia Chute, size 48×60″
“Vibrant Summer” by Patricia Chute, size 60×47″
“Garden Mist” by Patricia Chute, size 58×60″
“Big Arboreal Palms l” by Helen Zarin, size 30×60″
“Arboreal Palms” by Helen Zarin, size 40×40″
“Seagrass” by Natasha Barnes 72″ x 36″
“Moroccan Sunset” by Natasha Barnes 60″ x 30″
“Cool Breeze” by Natasha Barnes 60″ x 30″
“Neutral Wood” by Natasha Barnes 60″ x 30″
“Imperial Mint” by Natasha Barnes 60″ x 30″
“Nature’s Spirit” by Patricia Chute, size 48×48″
“Carnival ll” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Carnival l” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Florida Marina” by Eduardo Romaguera, size 60×40″
“Square Tile” by Naira Barseghian, size 13w x 13h
“Square Tile” by Naira Barseghian, size 13w x 13h
“Naples lll” by Eduardo Romaguera, size 60×40″
“Gentle Breeze ll” by Gudrun Newman, size 20×48″
“Searching for the Stars” by Gudrun Newman, size 24×54″
“Embrace Life” by Gudrun Newman, size 30×56″
“Harmony of Nature” by Gudrun Newman, size 22×56″
“Floral Elements” by Patricia Chute, size 40×60″
“Tropical Koi” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 48″
“Float With Ease ll” by Jodi Maas, size 36″x72″
“Float With Ease l” by Jodi Maas, size 36″x72″
“Square Tile” by Naira Barseghian, size 13w x 13h
“Water Garden ll” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 36″
“Water Garden” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 60″
“Jumps lll” by Nuria, Garcia Miro, size 36″ x 43″
“Jumps ll” by Nuria, Garcia Miro, size 40″ x 40″
“Deep Blue Contemporary” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 40″
“Blue Transcending Bird l” by Akiyama, 55×55″
“Jardin lll” by Helen Zarin, size 30×30″
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