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“Opalescence l” by Patricia Chute, size 72″ x 48″
“Opalescence ll” by Patricia Chute, size 48×48
“Luminous Oasis” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Petal Abstract” by Patricia Chute, size 48×48
“Fluid Energy ll” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Fluid Energy l” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Joyful Koi” by Patricia Chute, size 50×68″
“Petal Abstract lV” by Patricia Chute, size 48×60″
“Vibrant Summer” by Patricia Chute, size 60×47″
“Garden Mist” by Patricia Chute, size 58×60″
“Nature’s Spirit” by Patricia Chute, size 48×48″
“Carnival ll” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Carnival l” by Patricia Chute, size 30×72″
“Floral Elements” by Patricia Chute, size 40×60″
“Tropical Koi” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 48″
“Water Garden ll” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 36″
“Water Garden” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 60″
“Jumps lll” by Nuria, Garcia Miro, size 36″ x 43″
“Jumps ll” by Nuria, Garcia Miro, size 40″ x 40″
“Deep Blue Contemporary” by Patricia Chute, size 60″ x 40″
“Petal Abstract XXlX” by Patricia Chute, size 72″w x 48″h
“Petal Abstract lll” by Patricia Chute, size 60w x 48h
“Royal Terns” by Patricia Chute, size 60w x 30h
“Orange Sails” by Patricia Chute, size 60w x 48h
“Artistic Flourish I” by Patricia Chute, size 48w x 60h
“Free Air Florals XII” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 30h
“Free Air Florals XI” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 30h
“Floating In The Garden V” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 60h
“Floating In The Garden IV” by Jodi Maas, size 30w x 60h
“Floral Whisper IV” by Angela Maritz, size 47w x 47h
“Bright Butterfly Bouquet” by Jodi Maas, size 50w x 50h
“Mixed Arrangement” by Timothy O’Toole, size 64w x 44h
“Just Bloomed” by Angela Maritz, size 48w x 24h
“Cavier Lily” by Natasha Barnes
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