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“Transitional Landscape” by Alexys Henry, size 80×50″
“Expanding Ocean ll” by Alexys Henry, size 96×60″
“Ocean Blast V” by Alexys Henry, size 72×44″
“Bold Vision” by Alexys Henry, size 60×60″
“Bold Swirl ll” by Velfin, size 40×60″
“Jewish Star” by Bartus, size 40″w x 40″h
“Modern Harbor” by Alexys Henry, size 70×60″
“Beach People” by Nuria Miro, size 39.5″x39.5″
“Beach People” by Nuria Miro, size 47″x31.5″
“Butterfly Love” by Bartus, size 47″x23.5″
“Euphoria Series l” by Jacqueline Mack, size 9×12″
“Euphoria Series ll” by Jacqueline Mack, size 9×12″
“Ocean Series lll” by Jacqueline Mack, size 14×14″
“Ocean Series ll” by Jacqueline Mack, size 14×14″
“Tree of Life” by Bartus, size 40″w x 40″h
“Two Love Hearts” by Bartus, size 40″w x 40″h
“Sailboats” by Mauricio Garay, size 16 x 20
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 16 x 20
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 16 x 20
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 16 x 20
“Sailboat at Dock” by Mauricio Garay, size 14 x 18
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 16 x 20
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 40 x 48
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 40 x 60
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 40 x 60
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 72 x 36
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 60 x 40
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 60 x 40
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 40 x 30
“Glacier Flow” by Jacqueline Mack, size 64w x 39h
“Scuba Vacation II” by Alexys Henry, size 70w x 50h
“Remember The Vacation III” by Alexys Henry, size 60w x 60h
“Colorful Marina II” by Paul Wren, size 60w x 40h
“Colorful Marina I” by Paul Wren, size 72w x 36h
“Ethereal Skyline” by Alexys Henry, size 60w x 30h
“Serene Landscape” by Gudrun Newman, size 48w x 40h
“Heartfelt Thoughts” by Gudrun Newman, size 30×56″
“Deep Within” by Jacqueline Mack, size 60×96″
“XO” by Bartus, size 47w x 24h
“The Perfect Mood III” by Alexys Henry, size 40w x 40h
“Paradise View” by Gudrun Newman, size 66w x 42h
“Marina Series” by Paul Wren, size 60w x 40h
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 60w x 40h
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 60w x 40h
“Delicate Flow” by Rikki Drotar, size 100w x 50h
“Sandpiper Beach” by Paul Wren, size 72w x 36h
“Naples Marina Series” by Mauricio Garay, size 60w x 40h
“Mixed Arrangement” by Timothy O’Toole, size 64w x 44h
“Jeweled Ether Tribute III” by Alexys Henry, size 60w x 40h
“Bold Swirl l” by Velfin, size 40×60″
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